Alimah Program
Tanzeel Academy is one of the top institutions in the United States of America providing Islamic and Qur’anic education. Established in 2005 under the umbrella of Islamic Center of Irving, Tanzeel Academy ‘s vision is to “Preserve Qur’an in the hearts of future generations” and “Enrich our
community with scholars, leaders and activists who are well-equipped with Ilm (knowledge) and Aml (practice) for the ever-changing social and economic
Tanzeel Academy, in collaboration with Islamic School of Irving, started the Aalimiyah program for Girls in the year 2020. Tanzeel Aalimiyah program is designed to cater to the needs of our community girls who wants to pursue their quest for the Islamic scholarship and learning without missing out on their academic needs.
We are now offering Online Aalimiyah program as well for the students who want to continue their regular school in different school
In Sha Allah, our goal is to revive the effort of producing next generation of indigenous and traditional Islamic Scholars in America. Our program is taught
by the most qualified teachers to learn Arabic grammar, Arabic speaking, study of Arabic literature and Tafseer, Hadith, Usulul-Fiqh and Islamic History, as
taught in a traditional Aalimiyah program.
Uniqueness of our program is that our students learn the best for both worlds. Our Aalimiyah staff are graduates with 6 or more years of Aalimiyah degree from world renowned institutions. Academics is learnt from Islamic School of Irving, one of the top Islamic Schools in US with over 750 students. They participate in the in-person class by the same qualified teachers along with non-Aalimiyah students.
Best of both worlds
Aalimiyah course is designed in collaboration with Islamic School of Irving to achieve academic excellence along with Aalimiyah degree
- Designed to graduate with a greater number of credits than regular academic only students
- Associate degree in Islamic Sciences upon completion of 5 years of study
- Degree in Islamic Sciences upon completion of 7 years of study
- Opportunity to graduate High School with Honors Distinguished Diploma from SAACS and CISNA accredited ISI
Aalimiyah Highlights
- Developing our children for Deen and Dunya
- Seven years Aalimiyah program with equal importance for Academics
- Comprehensive and classical Islamic Sciences curriculum
- Proficiency in Arabic by end of the two years completion
- Highly qualified staff with 6 or more years or Aalimiyah degree
Academic Highlights for Student who joins ISI
- Academic learning at ISI with the same in-person classes and qualified teachers
- Option to take some of the academic classes from ISI Virtual Academy at student’s convenience
- High School Graduation with Honors Distinguished Diploma from SAACS and CISNA accredited Islamic School of Irving
- Participation in ISI MAP, AAPPL (The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Arabic Language) tests and STAAR exams
- Access to academic counselor at Islamic School of Irving
- Unified graduation plan
- Multi-disciplinary endorsement in HS diploma
- Access to ISI library and Lab
- Participation in academic competitions (MIST, PSIA, Robotics etc.,)
Admission Process
- Submit pre-enrollment application with two recommendation letters
- Aalimiyah administration will contact and schedule the interview
- Students are encouraged to have the open discussion with the interviewers, parents are discouraged from forcing their child or trying to influence the evaluation process before of the interview
- Selection will be based on the interview with student and both parents
- If the student is Hafidah, it is important to have the strong memorization
- If the student is not Hafidah, it is important to be fluent in reading by applying the Tajweed rules
- All students are subject to Hifdh / Nadirah test
- Once accepted, submit the application and complete the enrollment process at ISI
Daily Schedule
Year 1 to Year 5 (Grade 8th to 12th)
Academics – 7:45 AM to 12:00 Noon
Aalimiyah – 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Year 6 and Year 7
Aalimiyah – 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM
Year |
Course |
1 |
Nahu I (Arabic Grammar I) |
1 |
Al-Hiwar I (Conversational Arabic I) |
1 |
Al-Lughat-Ul-Arabiyah – Qasas un
Nabiyyeen (Stories of Prophet) |
1 |
Al-Seerah (Prophetic Biography and
Islamic History) |
1 |
Al-Fiqh I (Islamic Jurisprudence/Law) |
1 |
Hifzul Hadith (Memorizing the sayings
of Prophet Muhammadﷺ |
1 |
Al-Adab wal Suluk (Etiquette and
Behavior) |
1 |
Al-Tajweed (Quran Recitation rules and
intonation) |
1 |
Al-Khat I (Arabic Calligraphy) |
2 |
Nahu II / Sarf (Arabic Grammar II /
Morphology) |
2 |
Al Hiwar II (Conversational Arabic II) |
2 |
Al-Lughat-Ul-Arabiyah – Qasas un Nabiyyeen
(Stories of Prophet) |
2 |
Al Fiqh II (Islamic Jurisprudence/Law) |
2 |
Al Hadith رياض الصالحين (Prophet
SAW Words and Wisdom) |
2 |
At-Tajweed wal Hifz (Quranic
Recitation and Memorization) |
2 |
Qawaid Al Imlah (Arabic Dictation rules) قواعد الإملاء |
3 |
Nahu III (Arabic Grammar) |
3 |
Arabic Reading and Translation practice |
3 |
Arabic Expression and Composition |
3 |
Al Fiqh III |
3 |
Usool Al Fiqh / Principles of
Jurisprudence |
3 |
Usool Al Hadith /Principles of the
sciences of Prophetic Sayings |
3 |
Al Hadith II (رياض الصالحين) (
Prophet SAW Words and Wisdom) |
3 |
Al Aqeedah/(Islamic Theology) |
3 |
Tafsir / Quranic Interpretation |
4 |
Al Nahu IV ( Arabic Grammar) |
4 |
Taseer Ul Quraan (Quranic translation
and interpretation) |
4 |
Uloomul Quran (Quranic Sciences) |
4 |
Translation of the Holy Quran I ترجمة
القرآن |
4 |
Usool Al Fiqh II / Principles of
Jurisprudence |
4 |
Al Fiqh III (Islamic Jurisprudence/Law) |
4 |
Al Hadith II (رياض الصالحين) (
Prophet SAW Words and Wisdom) |
4 |
Usoolul Hadith. |
5 |
Al Nahu IV ( Arabic Grammar) |
5 |
Taseer Ul Quraan (Quranic translation
and interpretation) |
5 |
Uloomul Quran (Quranic Sciences) |
5 |
Al Fiqh III (Islamic Jurisprudence/Law) |
5 |
Usool Al Fiqh II / Principles of
Jurisprudence |
5 |
Usulul Hadith |
5 |
Hadith. مؤطاء امام مالك و محمد |
Aerab Al Quran/Declension Of the Quran |
5 |
Al Balaghah (Arabic Rhetoric) |
5 |
Translation of the Holy Quran I ترجمة
القرآن |
6 |
Al-Tirmidhi I حديث (سنن الترمذي) |
6 |
Islamic History I (Mostly dealing with
the 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs) التاريخ الإسلامي (خلفاء الراشدين) |
6 |
Jurisprudence & Inheritance I علم الفرائض و الميراث |
6 |
The Misdirected Groups & False
Religious & Deviated Sects I الأديان الباطلة و الفِرق الضالة |
6 |
Quran Interpretation II تفسير |
6 |
Al-Tirmidhi II حديث (سنن الترمذي) |
7 |
Sahih AlBukhari I صحيح البخاري (كامل) |
7 |
Muslim صحيح مسلم |
7 |
Sunan Abi
Dawood سنن ابي داود |
7 |
Sunan Ibn
Majah سنن ابن ماجة |
7 |
The Meanings of Narrations معاني الآثار
7 |
Al-Nisai سنن النسائي |
Annual Tuition | |
Aalimah with secular study | $6,880 |
Aalimah Only | $4,000 |
Multiple Children Discount | |
Number of Children | Discount on Annual Tuition |
1 | 0 |
2 | $1,000 |
3 | $2,500 |
4 | 4th Child and up free |
Fees (per child) [Non-Refundable] | |
Re-enrollment Fee – Existing Students | • Early $100 • Before March 1st , $200 • After March 1st , $300 |
Application & Testing Fee – New Students | $250 |
Admission Fee – New Students | $150 |
Resource, Books & Material (RBM) Fees (per child) | |
Aalimah with secular study | $600 |
Aalimah Only | $400 |
- Muallimah Sana Kashif
- Muallimah Khadija Chaudhry
- Muallimah Saima Rahullah
- Muallimah Amber Ahmad
- Muallimah Huda
- Muallimah Juwairiyah
- Mufti Aamir
- Muallimah Muttayyba